Mirage-2000C Instruments export.

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Mirage-2000C Instruments export.

类型 - 插件
上传者 - ron533
日期 - 2017-01-11 00:35:56
Instruments export files for the Mirage 2000C, which includes : Radar/VTB, RWR, PCA. PCN, PPA, COM, FUEL, Flare/Chaff counter.
Files are JSGME  ready

I've exported almost all currently available instruments for the Mirage-2000C , built in the module itself (non Helios),
which includes : Radar/VTB, RWR, PCA. PCN, PPA, COM, FUEL, Chaff counter, Flare Counter
See attached screenshot for a sample of the exported instruments on my 4th' monitor (other 3 are in surround).

[EDIT : Credits also to "RightStuff" from the 49th' Black Diamonds that worked on those files before!]

1. Extract the "Mirage2K Exports MOD"  and copy the "M2KC Exports"  folder to JSGME.
2. Edit your monitor config lua file (under : DCS World\Config\MonitorSetup)  and add the lines that are within the zipped file : "RAZBAM M2KC Exports.lua".
3. Don't forget to bind a key to enable VTB export in the controls. it is off by default.

*** NOTE  - Edit the resolution and resize the exports to your custom monitor configuration.
The sizes within the attached file are made for my setup, which is :  3 monitors in Surround at 6000x1200,
and another auxiliary monitor right of the main monitor at 1360x768. i.e 7360x1200  total DCS resolution.

Enjoy :)
Ron / S3TUP

See related thread here:  https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=180322
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 任何语言
  • 大小: 628.11 Kb
  • 下载数: 1820
  • 评论: 4
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