F-15C sound Files

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F-15C sound Files

类型 - 音效
上传者 - buck52
日期 - 2016-10-02 21:38:00
My first attempt of creating and uploading a user file. New F-15C sounds, from Startup to Shut down. Work in progress but still pretty good.  Install is simple, just follow the subfolders...Also remove the JFS_PT.wav file from your existing F-15C folder.
If it doesnt work or you dont like it...sorry. Just thought I'd share so dont give me any shit...enjoy!

Work in progress but still pretty good.  Install is simple, just follow the subfolders.
If it doesnt work or you dont like it...sorry. Just thought I'd share so dont give me any shit...enjoy!
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 41.67 Mb
  • 下载数: 3014
  • 评论: 4
标签: Sonds, F-15C