Nevada M2000-C missions

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Nevada M2000-C missions

类型 - 单机任务
上传者 - LuSi_6
日期 - 2016-01-03 13:34:40
4 Nevada Missions for the M2000-C module


since there are no real missions for the M2000 within the Nevada map, I did 4 "Desert Storm" missions.

from Mission 1:

Operation Desert Storm begins. It is 0330h local time. A key mission in this night is a runway attack to eleminate the Iraqi Airforce on the ground.

A 4-ship package of F-15E Strike Eagles will perform the runway bombing. A 2-ship SEAD of Tornado GR.4 provided by the RAF will take care of ground based air defence.

You and your 4-ship of Mirage 2000C will provide air cover during this night. The strike package should be over the target area when the first sunlight hits the desert.

Strike Eagles and Tornados will wait for you at rendez-vous point, so hurry up!

all in all it's 4 missions for the NEVADA Map, covering almost all mission types the M2000C can do. CAP, CAS, Strike and Intercept missions. More or less detailed briefings, some custom voices included. All missions are cold start, global task is to get familiar with the M2000C and, of course, survive! Difficulty should be easy to medium. Stick to your flightplan and instrctions!
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 无分发限制
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 3.14 Mb
  • 下载数: 2032
  • 评论: 5
标签: M2000c, Nevada, mission