Gospadin's Nav Kneeboard v0.51

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Gospadin's Nav Kneeboard v0.51

类型 - 文档
上传者 - gospadin
日期 - 2015-10-28 08:02:58
The Navigation/Radio Kneeboard pages I made for DCS 1.5/2.0, for both Caucasus and NTTR.

Designed to stuff all critical radio and navigation details into a single set of kneeboard pages, so that no-matter what you're flying, you have the same information available at a glance.  Built from the new beacons.lua beginning with DCS 1.5 (with Morse code using English letters) and the frequency defaults from the Mission Editor.

Forum Thread here:    http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=2690663

Designed to stuff all critical radio and navigation details into a single pair of kneeboard pages, so that no-matter what you're flying, you have the same information available at a glance.  Built fr om the new beacons.lua in DCS 1.5 beta (with Morse code using English letters) and the frequency defaults for the 1.5 beta Mission Editor.  Secondary NDB codes (e.g. Maykop "DG" / "D" broadcasts for RWY 04) may be active when the wind is high enough in the right direction.  Similarly, Tbilisi-Lochini only broadcasts at 342 kHz when runway 13R is active.

Inspired by Lino_Germany's excellent beacon list ( http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/585582/ ) and his excellent beacon map ( http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/588673/ ) which I also recommend.  I also recommend the DCS-WORLD GND and VAD Charts  ( http://www.virtual-jabog32.de/index.php?section=downloads&subcat=37&file=1235 ) from the vJaBoG32 Sparrowhawk at Virtual Fighter Bomber Wing 32 ( http://www.virtual-jabog32.de/ ).  Note that my runway heading shortcuts are "true north" identifiers, which match the verbal ATC instructions, except for Kutaisi wh ere I followed the comment in beacons.lua indicating what was marked on the runway.

Meant to be installed using Kneeboard Builder ( http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=129341 ) and I recommend converting at 300 DPI, though you can go higher if you have an SSD or don't mind loading pauses.


Update v0.51: Fix for Creech runway number on the ILS line.

Data for A-10C, UH-1H, Mi-8MTV2, L-39C, F-86F, MiG-21bis, and MiG-15bis, including important inner/outer NDB, VOR, RSBN, PRMG, and ILS beacons, along with runway data and secondary/weather-triggered beacon qualifiers.
  • 许可: 免费 - 免费版, 不允许分发
  • 语言: 英文
  • 大小: 1.05 Mb
  • 下载数: 5603
  • 评论: 5