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DCS World 2.9
Type - Skin
Uploaded by - GalmOne
Date - 08/03/2024 02:15:14
3rd TFW flagship livery for F-4E Phantom 68-0483 belonging to the 90th TFS in 1984.

Note that I did not create the original Europe One camo but rather just added the appropriate decals, shark mouth from the stock Iranian skin and changed the roughmets myself in GIMP. Credit for the majority of the work is therefore on the stock skin artists.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 162.99 Mb
  • Downloaded: 221
  • Comments: 0
DCS World 2.9
Uploaded by - Rayon89
Date - 08/02/2024 19:29:29
Map - Afghanistan
En noviembre de 2001, las fuerzas de la coalición internacional están intensificando sus esfuerzos para desmantelar las bases de Al Qaeda y derrocar el régimen talibán en Afganistán. Kandahar ha sido identificada como un bastión clave del régimen talibán y una base crucial para las operaciones de Al Qaeda en la región.
Esta misión se centra en un asalto decisivo para capturar o neutralizar el aeropuerto de Kandahar, una instalación estratégica utilizada por el enemigo para desplegar fuerzas y coordinar operaciones.

Unidades :
F/A 18C
F16CM- bl.50

MAX 18 players
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Spanish
  • Size: 3.12 Mb
  • Downloaded: 71
  • Comments: 0
DCS World 2.9
A-10C II Tank Killer
Uploaded by - kottel
Date - 08/02/2024 19:19:46
Map - Normandy 2.0
This is a follow-up mission for pursued-by-bad-luck Special Agent after the incidents of the „Secret FBI Mission“ - - because NORMANDY 2.0 is just too beautiful not to create a mission :-)

After his nocturnal amok run over Nevada, Special Agent took finally his flight to Paris, to leave behind the exhausting life of semi-legal secret operations. But alas, something went wrong and his flight was diverted to Tangmere, Great Britain. Luckily, an old school friend fr om his childhood days in France - Pierrot le fou, who now is in the French intelligence agency DGSE - offers him the possibility to transfer an old A-10 of the French Air Force to a small airfield in Normandy, wh ere a helicopter waits to take him to his parent’s cottage.

Of course Special Agent wouldn’t be Special Agent, if everything goes as planned, and so he head over heels gets involved in an undercover operation of his former school comrade with a crazy terrorist bunch, that wants to blow up beautiful Tour Eiffel :o(
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 127.25 Mb
  • Downloaded: 94
  • Comments: 0
DCS World 2.9
Uploaded by - kottel
Date - 08/02/2024 19:14:30
Map - Normandy 2.0
This is a follow-up mission for pursued-by-bad-luck Special Agent after the incidents of the „Secret FBI Mission“ - - because NORMANDY 2.0 is just too beautiful not to create a mission :-)

After his nocturnal amok run over Nevada, Special Agent took finally his flight to Paris, to leave behind the exhausting life of semi-legal secret operations. But alas, something went wrong and his flight was diverted to Tangmere, Great Britain. Luckily, an old school friend fr om his childhood days in France - Pierrot le fou, who now is in the French intelligence agency DGSE - offers him the possibility to transfer an old A-10 of the French Air Force to a small airfield in Normandy, wh ere a helicopter waits to take him to his parent’s cottage.

Of course Special Agent wouldn’t be Special Agent, if everything goes as planned, and so he head over heels gets involved in an undercover operation of his former school comrade with a crazy terrorist bunch, that wants to blow up beautiful Tour Eiffel :o(
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 125.89 Mb
  • Downloaded: 41
  • Comments: 0
DCS World
F-16C Viper
Main Menu for the F-16C
Type - Other
Uploaded by - Archangel44
Date - 08/02/2024 18:39:34
Map - Any map
Main Menu Theme for the F-16C Fighting Falcon with a hard rocking sound file.
"Time and Time again" the Fighting Falcon has shown itself worthy and reliable in the many roles it has flown in.
The adversaries are "Mad at Gravity" due to thousands of iron bombs dropped on them.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 15.2 Mb
  • Downloaded: 86
  • Comments: 0
DCS World 2.9
Uploaded by - Opal 4-1
Date - 08/02/2024 11:32:52
Map - Afghanistan
TF_Helmand_Gereshk - FOB Price from circa 2007/2008.

This is a static template, to use save it in your DCS Saved Games folder (\Users\username\Saved Games\DCS\StaticTemplate) and load it into your mission in the mission editor.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 113.67 Kb
  • Downloaded: 251
  • Comments: 0
DCS World
OH-58D Kiowa Warrior
Uploaded by - folkway
Date - 08/02/2024 00:59:51
Map - Caucasus

This is a continuation of the Samson 1 storyline for the Kiowa with Captain Hal Holcombe and Lt. Chip Stannis – this mission will se t up the rescue of Pritchard and Narse, and the gathering of essential intelligence. Your aircraft have been delivered to the carrier group in the Black Sea that you are taking off from.

You will take off in inclement weather and wind from a naval force in the Black Sea using the Caucuses map.

This is a multiplayer mission with 3 choppers available, 2 Kiowas and an AH64D Apache.

Anvil 1 is armed with anti-aircraft missiles and the 50 cal gun

Anvil 1-1 is armed with laser guided rockets and anti-aircraft missiles

Anvil 1-2 is the Apache, with a mixed loadout of rockets and Hellfires.

An additional multiplayer component has been added – two F18 fighters that can be occupied and are tasked with air support. Additional enemy forces will be added if these aircraft are utilized, but the mission can only be completed by the rotary aircraft.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 26.65 Mb
  • Downloaded: 112
  • Comments: 0
Any version
F-16C Viper
Type - Skin
Uploaded by - AWACS_Bandog
Date - 08/01/2024 23:33:27
Following the end of the Second Continental War, The Raging Oni were left in limbo at Gardos Air Base between the Osean force restructuring and IUN retaking oversight of the ISEV’s security. Relegated to mostly uneventful combat-air-patrols around the Anchorhead Bay region.
In December of 2021 it was decided for the 4th TFS to be transferred under the command of the newly established 224th Fighter Wing based at Roca Roja airbase in eastern Usea.

Despite the initial grumblings from the pilots and maintainers about the less-than-illustrious assignment, their stationing in the middle of the desert has taught them invaluable lessons on the limitations of their airframes and providing more hostilities than enemy counter air or ground fire.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 124.58 Mb
  • Downloaded: 71
  • Comments: 0
Any version
F-16C Viper
Type - Skin
Uploaded by - AWACS_Bandog
Date - 08/01/2024 23:18:07
Spots of blue in a sea of brown. This is one of many reasons that the 12th Tactical Fighter Squadron 'Ronin' stand out in the deserts of Roca Roja. The once solitary island lifestyle the squadron once enjoyed has been replaced with an ever expanding role in ensuring the security of Usea.

Now the Ronin work to supplement the F-15Es capabilities as an adept strike fighter, filling out the spine of the 224th Fighter Wing.

These stalwart Samurai once again have a purpose and a home to defend - they just wish it was a bit cooler.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 120.8 Mb
  • Downloaded: 56
  • Comments: 0
Any version
Type - Skin
Uploaded by - AWACS_Bandog
Date - 08/01/2024 22:59:09
Established in the 1960's flying the F-4E Phantom, the Privateers would make their name patrolling the turbulent skies near the Osean-Belkan border, before being stationed on the front lines alongside dozens of other squadrons staring down the rival Yuktobanian Air Force in a deadly game of brinkmanship. This deadly game would mark their first tragedy, when a civilian airliner would be misidentified by the unit, killing all aboard. With this black mark, the squadron would take years to recover until the 1995 Belkan war where they successfully defended Osea from nuclear bombers.

Following their successful campaigns during the Circum Pacific and later Lighthouse War. the 102nd Tactical Fighter Squadron "Privateers" was reassigned to the 224th Wing at Roca Roja Air Base, Usea, supporting the continuing IUN Peace Keeping Mission in the region.

Along with the 31st Tactical Fighter Squadron 'Enchanters', the Privateers make up the Air Superiority arm of the bases mission, flying the F-15C
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 236.48 Mb
  • Downloaded: 59
  • Comments: 0