With the conclusion of hostilities in 1997, it became readily apparent to the Ugelles leadership regarding the inadequacies of their air power and vital need for a force modernization going into the next century. Unfortunately for the UgAF, this came off the heels of a major regional conflict and a pending disaster with the incoming Ulysses Asteroid. As a result funds that would have seen the aging Mig-29s of the Crimson Eagles 19th Fighter Squadron were diverted, leaving them with only repainted airframes by 2003 when the Erusean military crossed their borders.
Thanks in no small part to Axel Bays distance from the Erusean border, the squadron had time to man a proper counter offensive against the Threat, bought in no small part by other ISAF squadrons such as the 6th FS Black Spiders.
Able to survive and evacuate east, the 19th would be pressed into ISAF service, participating in various raids against the Erusean War Machine, including during Operation