dynamic CSAR and airmobility mission for UH-1H (SP and MP)

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UH-1H Huey

dynamic CSAR and airmobility mission for UH-1H (SP and MP)

Uploaded by - markuswohlgenannt
Date - 06/16/2013 15:17:45
dynamic CSAR and airmobility mission for DCS Huey.

- can be played as single player or multiplayer mission

- dynamic mission containing both aerial and ground fighting components.
- when a friendly pilot ejects, you will be tasked to rescue it.
- when friendly ground troops take heavy casualties, you will be tasked to supply them with reinforcement troops.
- if friendly group troops win their engagement, you will be tasked to pick them up.

- mission uses a modular design: CSAR and airmobility tasks use separate lua codes that require very little interaction with the mission file as set in the mission editor. This simplifies integration into other SP and MP missions.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 370.64 Kb
  • Downloaded: 4411
  • Comments: 9
Tags: UH-1H, SP, MP, CSAR
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